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Fingerprint Scanner, Face Recognition, Time Attendance, Access Control, Turnstile
Talk to Engineers Directly
One Stop Solution
We have 8 production lines and six thousand square meters to ensure that any of your custom needs are meet
Our workshop is a clean room with assembly line operation, which makes the whole assesmbly process fast and efficient
Our hardware and software engineers have a lot of experience, you just need to tell us what you need
We have helped our clients successfully take on hundreds of project proposals, which means that our custom design solutions are recognized by our clients and can save you a lot of time.
We know you need to use this biometric products, so we always ensure on-time delivery
We respond online 7*24 to ensure that your customer complaints are reduced.
We have more than 10 hardware engineers, so we can guarantee your device structure is complete
We have 8 production lines and can guarantee 7-day delivery
Equipped with a wide range of testing tools, we ensure high standards for all our products.
Our marketing team has an average of more than 6 years of experience in the field of facial recognition and can guarantee to solve your problems at the first time
Successful Projects
Face recognition Manufacturer Experience
Clcustomer Visit
Nigerian government elections
Pakistan government attendance
Student Information Management
Foxconn Czech Republic
Reach out to us today and get a complimentary business review and consultation.
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