The emergence of biometric devices is bound to be a product of the historical development process, and there will inevitably be different opinions and areas that need to be changed during use.
Undoubtedly, the use of biometric devices brings you considerable benefits, enhancing security, providing convenience, and so on.

Enhanced security:
One of the benefits of biometric devices is that they can enhance security. Traditional passwords and keys are easily lost and copied, but biometric features cannot be copied, which reduces the risk of theft.
Improved convenience:
In rural areas with inaccessible roads, you need to change your means of transportation several times to handle a matter. But now staff can bring biometric devices to the village and handle it directly for you, changing the way things are done, but it can improve convenience.
Improve user experience
In the past, you had to bring various keys, passwords, and authorization documents when you went out. Now, you can verify directly even if you go out empty-handed. Your fingerprint information and facial information have been bound to your ID. Imagine that we go to the hospital for a check-up. Before that, we carried various IDs, but now even if you encounter an emergency and don’t carry any ID, it doesn’t matter. You can scan your face or fingerprint for recognition, which greatly improves the user experience value.
In some areas of Africa, the government will give relief funds to some refugees. Before the introduction of biometric devices, it often happens that you are not yours, or someone pretends to be you to receive funds, so that people who should really enjoy the benefits do not enjoy them;
With the popularization of biometric devices, you are you, and others cannot pretend to be you to receive the funds, thus avoiding fraud;
Easy to interact
Biometric devices are particularly easy to interact with other databases and hardware. By calling interfaces and functions, they can form products with different functions.
In addition to functional surprises, multimodal biometric feature points can also be integrated, with optional face + fingerprint, fingerprint + iris, etc.
Faster identity verification
There are two ways to verify biometric devices nowadays. The first is local data storage, which can be used even without a network connection. The second is cloud service recognition, which stores data on a cloud server and uses 4G WiFi or TCP/IP for comparison. In either case, it relies on computers and does not require human effort, which speeds up the identity verification process.
Function is not transferable
Biometric feature points are innate to each person, and each person is different. Once someone steals or transfers someone else’s identity information, the backend will find that the information features of two people are the same. Therefore, the feature that function cannot be transferred is the most influential advantage of biometric devices.
Privacy issues
Since biometric devices obtain all your information, including facial information, fingerprint information, etc., the personal privacy issues involved are also the most important issue in the use process.
False positives
Since the identification and authentication process is computer compiled, but the compiled logic is given by the programmer, the accuracy of the identification method or software editing cannot be guaranteed to be 100%, and there may be identification errors. This probability is very small, but it is also a factor that needs to be considered.
The value of technological smart products is high. The high cost of biometric devices is also a disadvantage for most people. Different products are aimed at different user groups and different places. High-cost products have a disadvantage and an advantage at the same time. We need to look at it dialectically.
Data security risk
As you can see above, all biometric devices need to obtain your personal information, but where this personal information is stored and how to save the data is also a problem. Once this project involves the data of a country, the overall risk value will be completely increased.
Lack of standardization
Standardization is also a shortcoming in the process of using biometric devices. Each country has different policies on technology. For example, Europe has high authority over facial information, while Africa likes facial information very much. This is for user behavior, there is no standardization;
At the same time, from a technical perspective, different countries have different certification requirements. For example, Africa requires MOSIP certification, and Europe requires ISO certification. There is no complete uniformity in the definition of private standards and international standards.
Lack of standardization
Standardization is also a shortcoming in the process of using biometric devices. Each country has different policies on technology. For example, Europe has high authority over facial information, while Africa likes facial information very much. This is for user behavior, there is no standardization;
At the same time, from a technical perspective, different countries have different certification requirements. For example, Africa requires MOSIP certification, and Europe requires ISO certification. There is no complete uniformity in the definition of private standards and international standards.
Physical defects
Biometric devices have always relied on people’s biological features. Once you have a physical defect, such as missing fingers, facial burns, etc., it will be an advantage.
Technical Algorithm
All functions are based on the technical level, facial algorithm, fingerprint algorithm, iris algorithm, etc. Once the technical level stagnates, the use effect will be greatly reduced;
The two sides of biometric devices allow you to look at it dialectically, take the essence and remove the dross. Increase the advantages and avoid the defects.
HFSECURITY can provide you with a complete biometric device solution, contact information, and get more information.